Time spent on campus.

The new MAB students convened on campus today in our first collective trip to Manhattan, KS. The campus is very quiet -- it's still winter break for Kansas State's "traditional" students.

The town's not too hard to navigate. It's the biggest little town I've been in lately. (Fitting it's description as the "Little Apple") Complete with a shopping mall and enough restaurants to have your pick -- but still quaint enough to find your way around without needing a map and specific directions. There's really only a handful of main thoroughfares to navigate.

Many of the Class of 2010 are staying at a hotel right on campus. It sounds like the second year students opted for cheaper rates at discount hotels or other preferred accommodations; they are a little more spread out around town.

Having been here now, I'd say you can't go wrong staying where you'd most prefer. Everything is close enough to campus and the staff has supplied us each with a parking pass good for the main lot outside "our" building -- Water's Hall.

We're experiencing incredible fortune, too. The weather was almost balmy by Kansas standards today -- warm... and it's January. I've spent a lot of time in this state and can appreciate how lucky we are that it's not freezing outside with arctic winds whipping in all directions.

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