Back in Manhattan.

It's the beginning of year two. Today we start session #1 of the MAB program. One of the highlights of today's activities is meeting the incoming class and catching up with classmates.

We're only in for a few hours of meetings and orientation today. It's the calm before the storm; a week full of classes and lectures, projects and testing. Yes. Testing. A sneak-peek at the syllabus shows we're in for an exam by the end of the week in at least one of our classes.

Tonight we have a social activity with faculty and classmates in Aggieville. If you're unfamiliar with K-State's campus and the Manhattan community, the Aggieville region is the epicenter of "extracurricular" activities. A billboard in town advertises over 100 shops, restaurants and bars in the neighborhood.

Don't let the hectic pace of things scare you. The on-campus sessions include plenty of fun times and laughs, too!

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